7.12. The rc.site File

The optional /etc/sysconfig/rc.site file contains settings that are automatically set for each boot script. It can alternatively set the values specified in the hostname, console, and clock files in the /etc/sysconfig/ directory. If the associated variables are present in both these separate files and rc.site, the values in the script specific files have precedence.

rc.site also contains parameters that can customize other aspects of the boot process. Setting the IPROMPT variable will enable selective running of bootscripts. Other options are described in the file comments. The default version of the file is as follows:

# rc.site
# Optional parameters for boot scripts.

# Distro Information
DISTRO="Linux From Scratch" # The distro name
DISTRO_CONTACT="lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org" # Bug report address
DISTRO_MINI="LFS" # Short name used in filenames for distro config

# Define custom colors used in messages printed to the screen
# These values, if specified here, override the defaults
#BRACKET="\\033[1;34m" # Blue
#FAILURE="\\033[1;31m" # Red
#INFO="\\033[1;36m"    # Cyan
#NORMAL="\\033[0;39m"  # Grey
#SUCCESS="\\033[1;32m" # Green
#WARNING="\\033[1;33m" # Yellow

# Interactive startup
#IPROMPT="yes" # Whether to display the interactive boot promp
itime="10"    # The ammount of time (in seconds) to display the prompt

# The total length of the distro welcome string, without escape codes
wlen=$(echo "Welcome to ${DISTRO}" | wc -c )
welcome_message="Welcome to ${INFO}${DISTRO}${NORMAL}"

# The total length of the interactive string, without escape codes
ilen=$(echo "Press 'I' to enter interactive startup" | wc -c )
i_message="Press '${FAILURE}I${NORMAL}' to enter interactive startup"

# Set scripts to skip the file system check on reboot

# Skip reading from the console

# Skip cleaning /tmp

# For setclock

# For consolelog

# For network

# Delay between TERM and KILL signals at shutdown

# Optional sysklogd parameters

# Console parameters
#FONT="lat0-16 -m 8859-15"