Installing Diffutils-2.8.1

Estimated build time:           0.1 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  6 MB

Contents of Diffutils

(Last checked against version 2.8.1.)

The programs from this package show you the differences between two files or directories. It's most common use is to create software patches.

Diffutils installs the following files:

Program Files

cmp, diff, diff3 and sdiff

Diffutils Installation Dependencies

(Last checked against version 2.7.)

Bash: sh
Binutils: ld, as
Coreutils: cat, chmod, cp,  date, hostname, install, mv, rm, tr
Diffutils: cmp
GCC: cc1, collect2, cpp0, gcc
Grep: egrep, grep
Make: make
Sed: sed

Installation of Diffutils

Prepare Diffutils for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr

Compile the package:


This package has a testsuite available which can perform a number of checks to ensure it built correctly. Should you choose to run it, the following command will do so:

make check

And install the package:

make install