Installing Gettext-0.12.1

Estimated build time:           5.4 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  39 MB

Contents of Gettext

(Last checked against version 0.11.2.)

The Gettext package is used for internationalization and localization. Programs can be compiled with Native Language Support (NLS) which enable them to output messages in the user's native language.

Gettext installs the following:

Program Files

config.charset, config.rpath, gettext, gettextize, hostname, msgattrib, msgcat, msgcmp, msgcomm, msgconv, msgen, msgexec, msgfilter, msgfmt, msggrep, msginit, msgmerge, msgunfmt, msguniq, ngettext, project-id, team-address, trigger, urlget, user-email and xgettext

Library Files

libgettextlib[a,so], libgettextsrc[a,so]

Gettext Installation Dependencies

(Last checked against version 0.10.40.)

Bash: sh
Binutils: ar, as, ld, nm, ranlib, strip
Bison: bison
Coreutils: basename, cat, chmod, echo, expr, hostname, install, ln,
             ls, mkdir, mv, rm, rmdir, sleep, sort, tr, uname, uniq
Diffutils: cmp
Gawk: gawk
GCC: cc, cc1, collect2, cpp0, gcc
Grep: egrep, fgrep, grep
M4: m4
Make: make
Sed: sed
Texinfo: install-info, makeinfo

Installation of Gettext

Prepare Gettext to be compiled:

./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the programs:


This package has a testsuite available which can perform a number of checks to ensure it built correctly. Should you choose to run it, the following command will do so:

make check

Then install them and their documentation:

make install